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One Churchill Place, Canary Wharf

  • Client: Canary Wharf Group Plc
  • Architect: HOK International
  • Construction Manager: Canary Wharf Contractors Limited
  • Scope of Works
  • Cementitious Fire Spray Systems: 113,000m² Grace Monokote® Z-106 and MK-6
  • Thermal Insulation: 2,500m² Promat TL Board
  • Fire Stopping and Penetration Sealing: Hilti fire stopping products.
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One Churchill Place is a 156m tall skyscraper with 32 floors and the present headquarters of Barclays Bank. Located in the Docklands area of London in Canary Wharf, the structure is one of the tallest office blocks in the United Kingdom and the fourth tallest building in the Docklands.

Following the terrorist attack on the World Trade Centre on September the 11th 2001, high-rise developments throughout the world’s cities where seemingly put on hold. However, Canary Wharf and Barclays Bank decided to continue with their plans for a new headquarters building and commit to construction of One Churchill Place. Sharpfibre where invited to discuss fire protection solutions, a process which began in September 2001 and completed in October 2002. Throughout this period several extensive trials were carried out in conjunction with our supply chain partner Grace Construction Products. This resulted in the use for the first time in the United Kingdom of Hydrocarbon protection utilising Monokote® Z-106 on a high rise structure, fully satisfying the needs and objectives of Canary Wharf, Barclays Bank and the London Borough of Tower Hamlets.

Fire protection works began on site in February 2003 and within the 33 weeks on site working from one static position in the lower basement; Sharpfibre had pumped 1,100 tonnes of sprayed applied protective coatings to the buildings structural steel work. In addition to this, in excess of 20,000 openings including service penetrations and ducts had been fire stopped.

Product Information

Cementious Fire Sprays
Cementitious fire spray is a fast and efficient method of providing up to 240 minutes fire protection to structural steelwork. Used in the commercial, petro-chemical and tunnels markets, cementitious fire sprays withstand impact and abrasion, yet remain flexible to accept design changes without incurring major cost and time delays. 

Cementitious fire sprays may be applied within environments where limited exposure to the elements is likely throughout the building phase of the project. They can also be used for application to steel and concrete frames, metal floors or roof decks and return air plenums.

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